Friday, April 9, 2010


Assalamualaikum & Salam Sejahtera

Thanks for all the response in this blog specially to the most recent ones, Ummi Afifah and Ryan's mom. We are very glad for the confidence and the cooperation from all of you.

No doubt Afifah is growing up very fast...its seems that every day she will come to Taska and show something new to us here. Kat taska Afifah memang tak memilih pengasuh...she can get along dengan semua yang ditugaskan menjaganya. Pengasuh utama bagi Afifah ialah Tr. Veron...Everyone yang tengok Afifah pasti seronok....memang gebu and cute.

As for Aishrayyan El-Haqiem...our handsome "Korean star"....with his curly hair, very gentle and cool...senang nak jaga Ryan ni...kat taska Ryan tak banyak to mix with friends among his age group and setakat ni tak pernah merebut permainan from his friends...
Insyallah, as suggested by Afifah's mom taska will organised something for all the parents, children and care-giver to get's a good idea....Thanks.